Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Swirl | | Special | Attack | 0 | Retain. Gain 2 Block. Deal 2 damage. Double the base damage and Block of ALL Swirls this turn. (Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum.) Exhaust. |
Defend | | Basic | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 (8) Block. |
Defensive Link | | Basic | Skill | 2 | Gain 9 (13) Block. Reduce the cost of a card in your hand by 1 this turn. |
Strike | | Basic | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (9) damage. |
Whiplash | | Basic | Attack | 1 (0) | Deal 4 damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Enemy loses 8 HP. |
Arcane Strike | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 3 (4) damage twice. Gain 6 (8) theunchainedmod:Relay. |
Cocoon | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 6 (9) theunchainedmod:Relay. Your theunchainedmod:Relay does not wear off at the start of next turn. |
Double Down | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 (6) Block twice. Counts as a card for any theunchainedmod:Chain. |
Dual Barrier | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 8 (10) theunchainedmod:Relay. |
Glyph Swing | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 6 (8) damage. Remove up to 8 (12) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage and deal damage equal to the amount you removed. |
Grasp Future | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Put 1 card from your draw pile on top of your draw pile. |
Heavy Hitter | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 3 (5) temporary Strength. Whenever you hit an enemy this turn, apply 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor. |
Keep Distance | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 9 (12) Block. Enemy gains 9 (12) Block. |
Lash Out | | Common | Attack | 2 | Deal 13 (17) damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain [E]. |
Liberation | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 7 (10) Block. Finish ALL your active theunchainedmod:Chains. Remove ALL theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Exhaust. |
Offhanded Swing | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 card, if it is a 2-cost card play it on the same enemy if possible. |
Prophetic Swing | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 10 (13) damage to a random enemy. Scry 3 (4). |
Reckless Swing | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain 8 theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. |
Riposte | | Common | Attack | 1 | Gain 5 (7) Block. Deal 5 (7) damage. Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum. |
Single Out | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 11 (15) damage. A random enemy gains 3 (4) Block. |
Step Back | | Common | Skill | 1 | Draw 1 (2) card(s). 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain 9 Block. |
Wide Swing | | Common | Attack | 0 | Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain end your turn. |
À Plomb | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 6 (9) Block. Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum. Next Turn, gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum. |
Arcane Artillery | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal damage equal to your theunchainedmod:Relay (to ALL Enemies). |
Arcane Link | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 9 (12) theunchainedmod:Relay. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain, gain 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Arcane_Mastery. |
Arcane Transmutation | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever an enemy gains Block, gain 4 (5) theunchainedmod:Relay. |
Baguazhang | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 Block. Enemy gains 5 Block. If the enemy intends to do less than 10 damage (per hit), gain 10 (15) Block. |
Ballet | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | At the start of your turn, gain 1 (2) theunchainedmod:Momentum. Swirls now hit ALL enemies. |
Barbed Wire | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Deal 10 (15) damage to ALL Enemies for each theunchainedmod:Chain not finished at the end of your turn. |
Battement | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 14 (18) damage. Gain 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Momentum. |
Burnish | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Exhaust a card. Gain theunchainedmod:Momentum equal to double its cost. |
Ceasefire | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Double your theunchainedmod:Relay. Double the Block of ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Claustrophobia | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)At the start of your turn, apply 2 theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor to ALL enemies. |
Cripple | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Apply 4 (6) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor. Apply 2 (3) Weak. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Exhaust. |
Cruiserweight | | Uncommon | Power | 2 | Whenever you draw a 2-cost card, draw 1 (2) card(s). |
Crush Plates | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (12) damage. Apply as much theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor as was blocked by the Enemy. |
Cuff | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Innate. Deal 3 damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. 2 theunchainedmod:Chain: Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust. |
Eye For An Eye | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 5 Vigor. Remove up to 10 (15) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Gain Vigor equal to the amount you removed. |
Fouetté En Tournant | | Uncommon | Skill | X | Gain 2 theunchainedmod:Momentum X ((X + 1)) times. Exhaust. |
Fractal Shield | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Gain 6 theunchainedmod:Relay. theunchainedmod:Relay now blocks theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage (and HP Loss). |
Full Swing | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 5 (7) damage. Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies. |
Guarded Posture | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Whenever you finish a Chain, gain 3 (4) Block. |
Heartfelt Speech | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 2 Vulnerable. 2 (1) theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust. |
Immovable Object | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Gain 11 (13) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, the attacking enemy gains 3 (5) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor. |
Keep Swinging | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | Cards containing "Swing" deal 4 (6) additional damage. |
Make Haste | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | Play as many cards from the top of your draw pile as you have Swirls. |
Masterwork Glyph | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 9 (11) theunchainedmod:Relay. If you do not have Block, gain 9 (11) theunchainedmod:Relay again. |
Melting Hex | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 (1) | Apply 1 theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor and 1 theunchainedmod:Malleable. Exhaust. |
Overexertion | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Gain 14 theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Exhaust. |
Premonition | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 6 (8) Block. If you have spent ALL your [E] at the end of this turn, gain (NL) [E] [E] ([E]) next turn. |
Prophecy | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Copy a card in your hand (twice) and put the copy (both copies) on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. |
Quick Swing | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 8 (10) damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Draw 2 (3) cards. |
Razor Chain | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Enemy loses 9 (13) HP. If the Enemy has Block, Enemy loses 9 (13) HP again. HP loss is affected by theunchainedmod:Damage_Modifiers. |
Refresh | | Uncommon | Skill | 2 | Gain 14 (18) theunchainedmod:Relay. Lose up to 14 (18) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage and gain Block equal to the amount you removed. |
Reinforced Link | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Gain 4 (6) Block. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain, gain [E] and draw 1 card. |
Retreating Swing | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain Block equal to unblocked damage dealt. |
Royal Assessment | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain [E] (if ALL enemies have Block and [E]) for every enemy that has Block. |
Royal Decree | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Add a random 2-cost card into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. |
Share Pain | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | (Retain.)Deal 0 damage. Damage is equal to ALL theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage you have gained this combat. |
Stare Down | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Gain 2 (3) temporary Dexterity. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. |
Suffocate | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 (0) | Gain Block equal to the enemies Block. Enemy loses HP equal to their Block. |
Telekinetic Pulse | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: ALL enemies gain 5 (7) Block, lose 5 (7) HP and reapply this theunchainedmod:Chain. |
Tie Down | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Enemy loses 6 (8) Strength this and next turn. Exhaust. |
Trade Offer | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Enemy gains 6 (12) Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s). |
Windup | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Apply 1 Vulnerable. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Add a random (upgraded) common Attack to your hand. It costs 0 this turn and exhausts. |
Arcane Charm | | Rare | Power | 2 | At the start of your turn, gain 7 (10) theunchainedmod:Relay. |
Chain Flourish | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 5 (7) damage for each theunchainedmod:Chain you have finished this combat. |
Chain Saw | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Deal 15 damage. Delete ALL your active theunchainedmod:Chains. Increase this card's damage by 5 (10) for every theunchainedmod:Chain deleted this combat. |
Chase Destiny | | Rare | Skill | 0 | This (and next) turn, whenever you finish a theunchainedmod:Chain, gain [E]. Exhaust. |
Glyph Beam | | Rare | Attack | 1 | Deal 9 (12) damage. Whenever you gain theunchainedmod:Relay this turn, the enemy takes 9 (12) damage. |
Kusarigama | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Can only be played if it finishes an Attack theunchainedmod:Chain. Deal 30 (36) damage to ALL enemies. |
Last Resort | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Draw 3 cards. Gain [E] [E]. 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Chain: Lose ALL your [E]. Exhaust. |
Law Of Inertia | | Rare | Power | 3 | The first time you finish a theunchainedmod:Chain each turn, gain 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity. If you did not finish a theunchainedmod:Chain by the end of turn, lose 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity. |
Magic Mecha | | Rare | Power | 1 | 1 theunchainedmod:Master_Chain: Gain 2 (3) Strength, 2 (3) Dexterity and 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Arcane_Mastery. |
Magus Form | | Rare | Power | 3 | Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Whenever you play a 2-cost card, gain [E]. |
Muscle Memory | | Rare | Skill | 1 | This turn, your next (2) 2-cost card(s) is (are) played twice. |
Pirouette | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | Add a Swirl into your hand. Upgrade ALL Swirls in your hand. Exhaust. |
Relentless Movements | | Rare | Power | 1 | Finishing a theunchainedmod:Chain gives 1 (2) theunchainedmod:Momentum. |
Relentless Onslaught | | Rare | Attack | 2 | Deal 2 (3) damage 3 times. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Deal 2 (3) damage 3 times and reapply this theunchainedmod:Chain. Exhaust. |
Solar Plexus | | Rare | Attack | 0 | Deal 5 (7) damage. 3 (2) theunchainedmod:Chain: theunchainedmod:Stun the same enemy. Exhaust. |
Sword Of Damocles | | Rare | Skill | 0 | Gain 3 (4) Strength. 1 theunchainedmod:Master_Chain: Lose 6 (8) HP and 3 (4) Strength. Exhaust. |
Taxes | | Rare | Power | 2 | Rightfully acquire 15 (20) Gold from every enemy. |
Tethered Mind | | Rare | Skill | 1 | Gain 10 (14) theunchainedmod:Relay. Whenever you take damage or damage is blocked by theunchainedmod:Relay, the enemy loses the same amount of HP. Exhaust. |
The Prince's Grace | | Rare | Power | 2 | At the start of turn, draw 1 (2) additional card(s). All enemies gain 6 (10) Block every turn. |
Thread Of Ariadne | | Rare | Skill | 2 (1) | If you have an active Chain, take an extra turn after this turn. End your turn. Exhaust. |
Unshackling | | Rare | Power | 0 | (Innate.)Whenever you play a card, Upgrade it for the rest of combat. |
Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Rusted Chains | | Starter | Unchained_orange_color | The 6th card you play each combat draws a card, the next card costs 0. | These used to hold you to a prison wall. Now they are handy tools. |
Broken Charm | | Common | Unchained_orange_color | At the start of your first 3 turns, gain 5Relay. | Ringing it doesnt make the most pleasant of sounds, but it has emotional value. |
Ballet Shoes | | Uncommon | Unchained_orange_color | The Momentum required for the next Swirl is always 1 less. | Impossible to strike a bad pose with these. |
Heart of the Underdog | | Uncommon | Unchained_orange_color | At the end of turn, gain 1Strength if you do not have more Block than ALL enemies combined. | You feel it beat stronger whenever the odds are stacked against you. |
Totem Of Pain | | Uncommon | Unchained_orange_color | At the end of your turn, hit a random enemy for ALL RelayedDamage you gained since last turn. | When you listen close, you can hear the demon whisper: 'Sharing is caring'. |
Wrench | | Uncommon | Unchained_orange_color | Whenever you apply CrushedArmor, the enemy loses 4 HP. | You can never fasten your armor tight enough. |
Carabiner | | Rare | Unchained_orange_color | Chains no longer wear off at the end of turn. | There is no better tool for connecting chains. |
Churros | | Rare | Unchained_orange_color | Every 7thChain you start is copied. | These tasty treats fill you with a burst of energy. |
Arcane Amplifier | | Special | Unchained_orange_color | Every 3 times you gain Relay in a single turn, gain 1ArcaneMastery. | You feel in tune with the making at the heart of the world. |
Crushing Gauntlets | | Special | Unchained_orange_color | You can no longer apply CrushedArmor, instead you deal triple the amount directly to their HP. | Why stop at crushing their armor when you could instead crush THEM. |
Memento | | Boss | Unchained_orange_color | The first time you attack an enemy with Block each turn, gain [E] . | The demon awakens when the tide of battle turns. |
Polished Chains | | Boss | Unchained_orange_color | Replaces RustedChains. EVERY 6th card you play each combat draws a card, the next card you play costs 0. | You can see your own reflection in these. |
Dancing Ribbons | | Shop | Unchained_orange_color | Swirls count as any card for a Chain. | It reminds you of merry times spent dancing in the tavern hall |