The Unchained Mod cards

SwirlSpecialAttack0Retain. Gain 2 Block. Deal 2 damage. Double the base damage and Block of ALL Swirls this turn. (Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum.) Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Defensive LinkBasicSkill2Gain 9 (13) Block. Reduce the cost of a card in your hand by 1 this turn.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
WhiplashBasicAttack1 (0)Deal 4 damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Enemy loses 8 HP.
Arcane StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 3 (4) damage twice. Gain 6 (8) theunchainedmod:Relay.
CocoonCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) theunchainedmod:Relay. Your theunchainedmod:Relay does not wear off at the start of next turn.
Double DownCommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block twice. Counts as a card for any theunchainedmod:Chain.
Dual BarrierCommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain 8 (10) theunchainedmod:Relay.
Glyph SwingCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage. Remove up to 8 (12) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage and deal damage equal to the amount you removed.
Grasp FutureCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Put 1 card from your draw pile on top of your draw pile.
Heavy HitterCommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) temporary Strength. Whenever you hit an enemy this turn, apply 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor.
Keep DistanceCommonSkill1Gain 9 (12) Block. Enemy gains 9 (12) Block.
Lash OutCommonAttack2Deal 13 (17) damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain [E].
LiberationCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Finish ALL your active theunchainedmod:Chains. Remove ALL theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Exhaust.
Offhanded SwingCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 card, if it is a 2-cost card play it on the same enemy if possible.
Prophetic SwingCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage to a random enemy. Scry 3 (4).
Reckless SwingCommonAttack0Deal 8 (11) damage. Gain 8 theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage.
RiposteCommonAttack1Gain 5 (7) Block. Deal 5 (7) damage. Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum.
Single OutCommonAttack1Deal 11 (15) damage. A random enemy gains 3 (4) Block.
Step BackCommonSkill1Draw 1 (2) card(s). 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain 9 Block.
Wide SwingCommonAttack0Deal 7 (10) damage to ALL enemies. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain end your turn.
À PlombCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum. Next Turn, gain 1 theunchainedmod:Momentum.
Arcane ArtilleryUncommonAttack1Deal damage equal to your theunchainedmod:Relay (to ALL Enemies).
Arcane LinkUncommonSkill1Gain 9 (12) theunchainedmod:Relay. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain, gain 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Arcane_Mastery.
Arcane TransmutationUncommonPower1Whenever an enemy gains Block, gain 4 (5) theunchainedmod:Relay.
BaguazhangUncommonSkill1Gain 5 Block. Enemy gains 5 Block. If the enemy intends to do less than 10 damage (per hit), gain 10 (15) Block.
BalletUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, gain 1 (2) theunchainedmod:Momentum. Swirls now hit ALL enemies.
Barbed WireUncommonPower1Deal 10 (15) damage to ALL Enemies for each theunchainedmod:Chain not finished at the end of your turn.
BattementUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. Gain 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Momentum.
BurnishUncommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust a card. Gain theunchainedmod:Momentum equal to double its cost.
CeasefireUncommonSkill1Double your theunchainedmod:Relay. Double the Block of ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ClaustrophobiaUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, apply 2 theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor to ALL enemies.
CrippleUncommonSkill1Apply 4 (6) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor. Apply 2 (3) Weak. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable. Exhaust.
CruiserweightUncommonPower2Whenever you draw a 2-cost card, draw 1 (2) card(s).
Crush PlatesUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage. Apply as much theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor as was blocked by the Enemy.
CuffUncommonAttack1Innate. Deal 3 damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. 2 theunchainedmod:Chain: Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust.
Eye For An EyeUncommonSkill1Gain 5 Vigor. Remove up to 10 (15) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Gain Vigor equal to the amount you removed.
Fouetté En TournantUncommonSkillXGain 2 theunchainedmod:Momentum X ((X + 1)) times. Exhaust.
Fractal ShieldUncommonPower1Gain 6 theunchainedmod:Relay. theunchainedmod:Relay now blocks theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage (and HP Loss).
Full SwingUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies.
Guarded PostureUncommonPower1Whenever you finish a Chain, gain 3 (4) Block.
Heartfelt SpeechUncommonSkill0Gain 2 Vulnerable. 2 (1) theunchainedmod:Chain: Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust.
Immovable ObjectUncommonSkill2Gain 11 (13) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, the attacking enemy gains 3 (5) theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor.
Keep SwingingUncommonPower1Cards containing "Swing" deal 4 (6) additional damage.
Make HasteUncommonSkill2 (1)Play as many cards from the top of your draw pile as you have Swirls.
Masterwork GlyphUncommonSkill1Gain 9 (11) theunchainedmod:Relay. If you do not have Block, gain 9 (11) theunchainedmod:Relay again.
Melting HexUncommonSkill2 (1)Apply 1 theunchainedmod:Crushed_Armor and 1 theunchainedmod:Malleable. Exhaust.
OverexertionUncommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Gain 14 theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage. Exhaust.
PremonitionUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. If you have spent ALL your [E] at the end of this turn, gain (NL) [E] [E] ([E]) next turn.
ProphecyUncommonSkill2Copy a card in your hand (twice) and put the copy (both copies) on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Quick SwingUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Draw 2 (3) cards.
Razor ChainUncommonAttack1Enemy loses 9 (13) HP. If the Enemy has Block, Enemy loses 9 (13) HP again. HP loss is affected by theunchainedmod:Damage_Modifiers.
RefreshUncommonSkill2Gain 14 (18) theunchainedmod:Relay. Lose up to 14 (18) theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage and gain Block equal to the amount you removed.
Reinforced LinkUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. If you have an active theunchainedmod:Chain, gain [E] and draw 1 card.
Retreating SwingUncommonAttack2Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain Block equal to unblocked damage dealt.
Royal AssessmentUncommonSkill0Gain [E] (if ALL enemies have Block and [E]) for every enemy that has Block.
Royal DecreeUncommonSkill1 (0)Add a random 2-cost card into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Share PainUncommonAttack2(Retain.)Deal 0 damage. Damage is equal to ALL theunchainedmod:Relayed_Damage you have gained this combat.
Stare DownUncommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) temporary Dexterity. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
SuffocateUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain Block equal to the enemies Block. Enemy loses HP equal to their Block.
Telekinetic PulseUncommonSkill11 theunchainedmod:Chain: ALL enemies gain 5 (7) Block, lose 5 (7) HP and reapply this theunchainedmod:Chain.
Tie DownUncommonSkill1Enemy loses 6 (8) Strength this and next turn. Exhaust.
Trade OfferUncommonSkill0Enemy gains 6 (12) Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
WindupUncommonAttack1Apply 1 Vulnerable. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Add a random (upgraded) common Attack to your hand. It costs 0 this turn and exhausts.
Arcane CharmRarePower2At the start of your turn, gain 7 (10) theunchainedmod:Relay.
Chain FlourishRareAttack2Deal 5 (7) damage for each theunchainedmod:Chain you have finished this combat.
Chain SawRareAttack1Deal 15 damage. Delete ALL your active theunchainedmod:Chains. Increase this card's damage by 5 (10) for every theunchainedmod:Chain deleted this combat.
Chase DestinyRareSkill0This (and next) turn, whenever you finish a theunchainedmod:Chain, gain [E]. Exhaust.
Glyph BeamRareAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Whenever you gain theunchainedmod:Relay this turn, the enemy takes 9 (12) damage.
KusarigamaRareAttack2Can only be played if it finishes an Attack theunchainedmod:Chain. Deal 30 (36) damage to ALL enemies.
Last ResortRareSkill0Draw 3 cards. Gain [E] [E]. 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Chain: Lose ALL your [E]. Exhaust.
Law Of InertiaRarePower3The first time you finish a theunchainedmod:Chain each turn, gain 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity. If you did not finish a theunchainedmod:Chain by the end of turn, lose 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity.
Magic MechaRarePower11 theunchainedmod:Master_Chain: Gain 2 (3) Strength, 2 (3) Dexterity and 2 (3) theunchainedmod:Arcane_Mastery.
Magus FormRarePower3Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Whenever you play a 2-cost card, gain [E].
Muscle MemoryRareSkill1This turn, your next (2) 2-cost card(s) is (are) played twice.
PirouetteRareSkill1 (0)Add a Swirl into your hand. Upgrade ALL Swirls in your hand. Exhaust.
Relentless MovementsRarePower1Finishing a theunchainedmod:Chain gives 1 (2) theunchainedmod:Momentum.
Relentless OnslaughtRareAttack2Deal 2 (3) damage 3 times. 1 theunchainedmod:Chain: Deal 2 (3) damage 3 times and reapply this theunchainedmod:Chain. Exhaust.
Solar PlexusRareAttack0Deal 5 (7) damage. 3 (2) theunchainedmod:Chain: theunchainedmod:Stun the same enemy. Exhaust.
Sword Of DamoclesRareSkill0Gain 3 (4) Strength. 1 theunchainedmod:Master_Chain: Lose 6 (8) HP and 3 (4) Strength. Exhaust.
TaxesRarePower2Rightfully acquire 15 (20) Gold from every enemy.
Tethered MindRareSkill1Gain 10 (14) theunchainedmod:Relay. Whenever you take damage or damage is blocked by theunchainedmod:Relay, the enemy loses the same amount of HP. Exhaust.
The Prince's GraceRarePower2At the start of turn, draw 1 (2) additional card(s). All enemies gain 6 (10) Block every turn.
Thread Of AriadneRareSkill2 (1)If you have an active Chain, take an extra turn after this turn. End your turn. Exhaust.
UnshacklingRarePower0(Innate.)Whenever you play a card, Upgrade it for the rest of combat.

The Unchained Mod relics

Rusted ChainsStarterUnchained_orange_colorThe 6th card you play each combat draws a card, the next card costs 0.These used to hold you to a prison wall. Now they are handy tools.
Broken CharmCommonUnchained_orange_colorAt the start of your first 3 turns, gain 5Relay.Ringing it doesnt make the most pleasant of sounds, but it has emotional value.
Ballet ShoesUncommonUnchained_orange_colorThe Momentum required for the next Swirl is always 1 less.Impossible to strike a bad pose with these.
Heart of the UnderdogUncommonUnchained_orange_colorAt the end of turn, gain 1Strength if you do not have more Block than ALL enemies combined.You feel it beat stronger whenever the odds are stacked against you.
Totem Of PainUncommonUnchained_orange_colorAt the end of your turn, hit a random enemy for ALL RelayedDamage you gained since last turn.When you listen close, you can hear the demon whisper: 'Sharing is caring'.
WrenchUncommonUnchained_orange_colorWhenever you apply CrushedArmor, the enemy loses 4 HP.You can never fasten your armor tight enough.
CarabinerRareUnchained_orange_colorChains no longer wear off at the end of turn.There is no better tool for connecting chains.
ChurrosRareUnchained_orange_colorEvery 7thChain you start is copied.These tasty treats fill you with a burst of energy.
Arcane AmplifierSpecialUnchained_orange_colorEvery 3 times you gain Relay in a single turn, gain 1ArcaneMastery.You feel in tune with the making at the heart of the world.
Crushing GauntletsSpecialUnchained_orange_colorYou can no longer apply CrushedArmor, instead you deal triple the amount directly to their HP.Why stop at crushing their armor when you could instead crush THEM.
MementoBossUnchained_orange_colorThe first time you attack an enemy with Block each turn, gain [E] .The demon awakens when the tide of battle turns.
Polished ChainsBossUnchained_orange_colorReplaces RustedChains. EVERY 6th card you play each combat draws a card, the next card you play costs 0.You can see your own reflection in these.
Dancing RibbonsShopUnchained_orange_colorSwirls count as any card for a Chain.It reminds you of merry times spent dancing in the tavern hall

The Unchained Mod potions

Chain GreaseCommonGain 7Block. Remove ALL RelayedDamage. Finish ALL your active Chains.
Bottled ArcanumUncommonGain 10Relay and 10RelayedDamage.
Crushing ElixirUncommonApply 10CrushedArmor to ALL enemies.
Eau de BalletRareAdd 2Swirls into your hand.

The Unchained Mod keywords

Arcane MasteryImproves Relay gained by cards.
ChainPlaying enough cards with the same type as this card will finish the Chain and unlock the specified effect. Chains wear off at the end of turn.
Crushed ArmorEnemies lose HP everytime they gain Block.
Damage ModifiersAll effects that influence Attack Damage.
Full SpinDoubles the damage and Block of Swirls this turn.
MalleableUpon receiving attack damage, gains 1 Block. Block gain increases as Malleable is triggered. Resets to 1 at the start of your turn.
Master ChainPlaying 1 Power, 1 Skill and 1 Attack will finish this Chain. Cannot be finished by Liberation or Double Down. Does not wear off at the end of turn.
MomentumWhen you obtain enough Momentum, add a Swirl into your hand. The cost starts at 2 Momentum and goes up for each Swirl in your hand.
RelayUntil next turn, prevents damage after Block. Half of the damage prevented by Relay is dealt to the Player in 2 turns as Relayed Damage. Relayed Damage cannot be blocked by Relay.
Relayed DamageDamage that was prevented by Relay. Half of it is dealt to the Player at the end of the next turn. Is not blocked by Relay.
StunEnemy does nothing this turn.
SwirlSwirls are 0 cost attacks which Retain and Exhaust, but get stronger the more you play in a turn.

The Unchained Mod creatures

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